Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 1985 (age 14)

Today in Band, I saw Sam pinch Beverly's butt. I guess that says "I wasn't saying hi to you yesterday, it was the person behind you." Oh well, back to reality. After school Lacey came over and then Kelsey. After they left I went babysitting. And that's about it, except that in Algebra Dan said that he has Mr. Majors for English! I was like the most total sike! Can you believe it? 10:13

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Monday, November 18, 1985 (age 14)

Today I couldn't believe what happened. We were all leaving band, and Sam was outside the door. When I walked out, no one was there except for him. I looked down and pretended to look sad. Then he said hi - I was so shocked the only thing that came out of me was a hi like this "hi". Well, you can imagine my enthusiastisity (<= probably spelled wrong). Anyway - time to chill out! 10:09

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 1985 (age 14)

Today we saw Beverly Hills Cop again and then Deb let Lacey drive the car. She's pretty good! Then Kelsey saw this thing that I wrote on Lacey's garage window in the dust. It said something like "KS <3's KC, BC, SD and whoever else!" She got really pissed at that, but that has been there ever since the summer! Lacey and Nadine said that I "should have erased it", but seeing that it's been there so long - why didn't THEY? 9:54

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 1985 (age 14)

Today Lacey decided to have a sleepover. So I went. But before I did, I gave Dad a kiss goodbye because he is leaving to go to Washington D.C. tomorrow. While I was at Lacey's, we saw three movies - Baby, Beverly Hills Cop and Ghost Story. In Baby, Lacey cried so much I was rolling! Beverly Hills Cop was the best (of course) and Ghost Story had Kelsey and Nadine dying because there was this one part where they showed this guy's dick. Oh well! 9:50
1981 - Ghost Story

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Friday, November 15, 1985 (age 14)

Today was Neil's birthday. On the bus home Lacey yelled "Happy Birthday Neil!" And every boy on the bus turned around and stared at him. "How old are ya?" one asked. "Um, 13", Neil said and then everyone tackled him. I also made dinner (meatloaf) and then saw Twilight Zone, Misfits of Science, and THE BEST - MIAMI VICE. Besides Miami Vice, the rest of the day was pretty shitty/boring. 11:10

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 1985 (age 14)

Today was Lacey's birthday. I think I already told you that I got her chocolate covered raisins. Didn't I? Anyway - I'm positive I strained my finger. It still hurts a lot. In sectionals today Mr. Futsch decided to embarrass me and Maeve because we are the only 2nd level clarinets. Then I went to Girl Scouts. We had a lesson on CPR. I took it last year so this was just a review for me. Oh well, best be trottin'. 9:56

Monday, June 24, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 1985 (age 14)

Today Beverly wasn't in school. She is getting her braces off. Now I KNOW I have no chance with Sam! (sigh!) After school Nadine came over. I was pretty bored all day though. Then Nick bent my finger back so far I think it's strained. It hurts like a motherfucker! I went babysitting also - not too long let me tell you. Oh well I have to try to get through to Nadine. She has my red socks! 9:13

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 1985 (age 14)

Today I got a haircut. Looks pretty cool! I also made up with Wendy and (can you believe it?) Nadine called me and apologized! I was so siked. Now everybody is friends. Let's keep it that way! Then I got Lacey's present - a box of chocolate-covered raisins (that's what she wanted). Also a card and a magazine (for me!) and that's about it I guess. 10:10

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Monday, November 11, 1985 (age 14)

Today was Veteran's Day. No school! Let's see, not much happened. Lacey came over for a while and I was at her house for a while. Yeah - Nadine is still mad. What is it - 5 days now? I think I'm going to start talking to Wendy again. If Nadine doesn't give up with this "embarrassing" thing by tomorrow, I'm not going to be mad at Wendy anymore. Yawn - time to sleep, yo. 10:08

Friday, June 21, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 1985 (age 14)

Today we did a celebration for the Veterans. Two girls in color guard fainted! Then I went shopping with Kelsey but I didn't get anything. Just now I saw the last episode of "North and South". It was so sad! Well, it has been on since last week but I didn't watch it all. Nadine's still mad, but she won't tell Lacey why. I know why, but I think it would have blown over by now. Don't you think? 11:11

North and South was a TV miniseries shown in 1985. It was about 2 friends who fought on opposite sides of the Civil War.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 1985 (age 14)

Whoops! Forgot to tell you. Yesterday, I slept over Kelsey's last night. We stayed up until like 2 and the next day (around 1) I left. Then Lacey came over and then Kelsey. We went Girl Scout cookie selling again. When Kelsey had to go home, me and Lacey went to some more houses. Can you believe it? Candy Underwood and her father were out selling at the same time we were! So we gave up - 11:14. Oh yeah, Nadine's still mad!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Friday, November 8, 1985 (age 14)

Nadine's still mad at me. I said hi to her in the hall today and she just completely ignored me. Oh well. Doesn't bother me. After school she was bragging about it to Lacey. Now THAT upset me a little. Then me and Lacey went to sell Girl Scout cookies. It was so early in the afternoon that we only got 4 people. And that's about it I guess. 11:10

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 1985 (age 14)

Today nothing much happened except that Beverly is avoiding me like I have the plague or something! Then I went to Girl Scouts and I finished Kendra's candle for her - I think I ruined it. That's about it except that Nadine's mad at me for "embarrassing" her in front of Sabrina. It's like give me a break! Yawn - I'm very tired so I best be goin' now yo. 10:07

Monday, June 17, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 1985 (age 14)

Today was nothing special except that I called Kelsey today. Sike - she hasn't been in school for the longest time! Well, when I was done talking to her, I called Sabrina and talked to her until ten. We were thinking about the grossest things. Like a raffle on when Kelsey and Kris Driscoll were going to fuck and how we should take pictures and everything. It was so funny! Oh well, time to go now, tah - 10:10

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 1985 (age 14)

Today was quite ordinary. When I came home from school, I watched General Hospital. Then I got ready to go to music lessons. Dad came home and he took me there. Then I went to Mom's work and she gave me a ride home. I ate a very late dinner (7:30) and then did homework. I then went downstairs to watch some "tele" (as the French would say). And now I'm here and about to go to sleep. Bye now! 10:08

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Monday, November 4, 1985 (age 14)

Today Kelsey wasn't at school. What a change! Sabrina likes Kris Driscoll too and had a field day because Kelsey wasn't here. Then Sabrina told me that in jazz band Dan was saying stuff like Sabrina and I committed suicide and Sam was right next to him! I hate Dan so much it isn't even funny! Then Lacey told me that the girl's soccer team and the boy's soccer team were having a dance. I wanted to go - but Sam invited Beverly already. 10:03

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 1985 (age 14)

Today was so fun! We (Dahlia, Wendy and I) went riding on Dahlia's 4-wheeler for the longest time. I didn't know Wendy was going to be there and that half-ruined it. While we were riding we saw two more vehicles coming up a trail. It was Scott Bookman, this kid Kenny and this other kid Erik who I had never seen before.  We rode with them for a while until Dahlia had to be going home - like I best be going! 10:16

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 1985 (age 14)

Today I got back from Lacey's. Then after lunch, we went to the center of town. I got a strand of pearls and a magazine. Then Nadine, Lacey and me were over each other's houses all day. Lacey and Dahlia got into this big fight, and Nadine got into it too. I couldn't believe Dahlia put her mother on the phone to defend herself! (Dahlia). Now that is pretty low I think. Well, I'm bombed so good-night! 11:05

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Friday, November 1, 1985 (age 14)

Today Dad got back from Kentucky. I got earrings, a bracelet, a pin, a FORENZA scarf, and a sweater. Then Lacey wanted to know if I could sleep over. So I did, and while I was there I saw Misfits of Science. They are so wicked cool! Especially Johnny B, he's so fine! Then we saw Miami Vice - yeah! Sonny and Rico are the coolest cops! Most awesome show! 11:01

Misfits of Science. A sci-fi TV show that ran from 1985-1986.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 1985 (age 14)

Today was Halloween, but wouldn't you know it, Mrs. Quay gave us homework. Then, when I got home, I made a lace shirt out of some scraps Olivia gave me. Mom bought me a black skirt, some paisley tights and a "Miami Mice" sweatshirt for my costume. It's so cute! Everyone thought I looked like Madonna with my rosary's, jewelry galore and smutty clothes. Olivia said I should stand on the corner - I was like "Huh!" 9:20

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 1985 (age 14)

Today was interesting. First of all nothing happened in school except for a lot of homework. Then, when we got home, Lacey and Nadine came over and we played Truth or Dare. Lacey and Nadine both dared me to 1) Ask Sam for a pencil to borrow and 2) to trip on the stairs in front of everyone on purpose. Pretty sikick huh? Then, we went out to dinner. And that's about it folks! (<= ha, folks, pretty fake, eh?) 9:06

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 1985 (age 14)

Today Dan told me that Kyle wanted to know if I liked him and/or if I would go out with him. I was shaking so bad in Band, but Maeve said stay cool and so I did. I said Dan tell him No. I can't say if he did but I wrote all over the back of my French notebook I <3 Sam. Then I went babysitting after dinner. I guess that's about it. 10:12

Friday, June 7, 2013

Monday, October 28, 1985 (age 14)

Today I found out that Kyle Effert likes me. He asked Dan for my phone number (THANK GOODNESS for Dan - he gave him the wrong number). He asked who I like and if I was going out with them. Help! That's about it, except that I do like Sam ever so much now and I'm going to start saying hi to him again. Tah. 10:03

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 1985 (age 14)

Today I went to Dahlia's and Nadine was there. So we all went out on her 4-wheeler. While we were on the dikes we saw someone riding a horse, someone riding a dirt bike, and someone walking through the cornfields. Nadine was on the tail end and she almost fell off. I almost lost my hairclip and Dahlia knocked down a rope wall trying to get to a paved spot. What a day! 9:21

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 1985 (age 14)

Today me and Lacey went to the Haunted House. Well, it was sort of scary but Lacey got mighty scared - I didn't because she was in front so everything that jumped out jumped out at her! Then we walked around for a while and while we were waiting for Mom to come - I could have SWORN that it was Sam I saw walking down the street with Matt Chase. Lacey says it wasn't but I don't think so! 10:12

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Friday, October 25, 1985 (age 14)

Today was both good and boring. The good part was that we went shopping today. I got some hairspray and a new jacket. I also saw General Hospital and Miami Vice. Also there was no school today! (Teacher's meeting!) So, today was mostly good. The boring part? Everything in between! 11:10

Monday, June 3, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 1985 (age 14)

I liked today. It was fun. Dan brought like 20 little rubber balls that we were all throwing around all day. Wicked awesome yo. No seriously - I saw Sam too - I haven't seen him in a long time, golly! Then I had to babysit Becky until 9, that's when Mom got home. And that's about it! So tah! 10:27

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 1985 (age 14)

Today was Open House for our school. I was a guide and my parents went to talk to Mrs. Quay. I couldn't BELIEVE what they said about her! "Mrs. Quay is the sweetest woman in the whole world! Such an angel!" I was like WHAT?!?!?! But of course I should have known, she wouldn't be mean to the parents - of course. Well, tomorrow's a new day! 9:34

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 1985 (age 14)

Well today was an extremely rushing day. First off, Mr. Futsch wasn't here so we spent the band period in the cafeteria. Then, when I got home, after dinner, this lady calls at 7:10 asking me to babysit at 7:30! Well, I did for 2 hours and got me 4 bucks. Also, Natalie wrote on her desk Daphne <3's Sam and Beverly saw it. She still likes him, Lacey told me. Oh well! 10:11