Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Saturday, March 30, 1985 (age 13)

Today we went to the movies (Dahlia, Lacey, Nadine and me). We were supposed to see "Desperately Seeking Susan" but the line was at least 2 miles long! So we went to see "Police Academy 2". That was so funny! Then I went to Lacey's until about 5:30, then we went to go pick up Mom. Dad and her had this phony argument about which side of the road to drive on, and Dad went home. So me, Mom and Becky went out to eat. After dinner we went and Becky got her Easter outfit. I got some shoes to wear for Easter too. They're black pumps. We'll see. I'm pretty tired to-nite so I best be chillin'! G-night! 9:58

Police Academy 2 released in 1985

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Friday, March 29, 1985 (age 13)

Can you believe it? I called Tyler! Ohmygod I DO NOT believe that I could! Oh it really was nothing. I just asked him for the weeks homework in English. But that's good for starters - n'est ce pas? What else happened today? Oh I got two magazines from Mom and then we went to get my Easter outfit. Its a black blazer, a black & white striped shirt, and white pants (SIKE!). Then Ohmygod Nick is such as snob now! Nadine says he's acting this way because he's flunking the 7th grade. He blamed Nadine for letting Bumpus out when there were about 5 witnesses around who saw him do it! I swear...oh jeez! Lookit the time! Good night! 10:52

Monday, October 29, 2012

Thursday, March 28, 1985 (age 13)

Didn't go to school today. And I thought staying home was fun! Talk about boring! Uck! Dad sez I won't be going to school tomorrow either. Dad sez that the Doc sez that if I keep jumping and running around, that the germs that are on my tonsils will go down into my body and then I'll get rheumatic fever. It's this heart disease that makes you incredibly sick and that you gots to be in the hospital for about 10 days (Bet!). But you can't die from it (too bad!)
Tyler said hi again. Maybe tomorrow I'll get enough courage to call him. I hope so! Oh well, G-Night! 10:12

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wednesday, March 27, 1985 (age 13)

I didn't go to school today. Doc says I have a severe case of strep throat. Dad says I can't go to school until Friday. Kelsey was over after school for about an hour. Then she left for 2 hours and at about 5 she came back. But with Keith Dacosta! Then we went outside and he left to go play some basketball with Cameron Yancik. I went inside for a minute, and when I came back out I saw Nick and Kelsey kissing! So I asked her if her and Nick were going back out. She said no they were just good friends. I personally think that's sick but what would I know?
Ugh I can't stop this insane COUGHING. I am going to have a massive FIT if I don't stop. 10:14

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tuesday, March 26, 1985 (age 13)

Well! Today certainly was INTERESTING. I went to school until 3rd period. Then I went to the nurse. Dad didn't get to the school until the end of 4th period. What was wrong? Oh, just a headache, sinus pain, strep throat and a fever of 101. Nothing big. (ha, ha, psycho). Then, I didn't go to catechism (of course). After catechism ended, I called up Kelsey to ask how it was. She said Tyler had told her to say hi for him and he hoped I felt better. I'm like total SIKE!!
Mom won't let me go to school tomorrow (oh well).
Hey listen, I'm beat. I gots to rest. Yah know? Right now I'm listening to "Hungry Like the Wolf" by Duran Duran (NO SIKE). Jeez, total massive deadness coming on. Gotta go. 9:42

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Monday, March 25, 1985 (age 13)

Well, today in History (we went to the Library), me and Ivy sat together. We were looking through these magazines and acting like real assholes. In English me and Tyler talked the whole time. Nothing great happened in Band or Algebra. Science, I was the first person up to do my report! I was so embarrassed.  I got Lacey and Dan to help me. I think I probably got a B on it. Then after school, Kelsey came over and we watched General Hospital. Later I went over Lacey's and then to clarinet lessons. Coz asked me if there were any black people in our school! I'm like Ohmigod!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sunday, March 24, 1985 (age 13)

Today guess who was at church! I was like SIKE! After church we went to "Something Special" to look for clothes for Bermuda. I got a black sweater, black shorts, a white jumpsuit, a grey, pink and white shirt, a blue "Charms" vest,  a white short skirt, a white, blue and purple satin shirt and that's it! Then we went home and I worked on my homework. Then I went to Kelsey's until 5:30 and went home to din-din. After din-din I worked on my homework. Then Lacey and Nadine came over and I helped Nadine pick out an order of clothes for tomorrow. After that, I went to their house until 8:30. Then I came here and here I am! 9:15

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Saturday, March 23, 1985 (age 13)

Today was such a massive bore! First I went over Nadine's house (I went there at about 12). Then her toilet clogged. So we were plunging it until about 1. Then for the next 2 hours, just a lot of happy horseshit. Then Mallory and Quinn called and Lacey and Nadine left to go meet them at the center of town. (Oh speaking of Mallory, jeezus christ, I heard she frenched Tyler last night!!!!!!) THEN at 7 I went back over to Nadine's. We played Mr. Do, then "Christine" came on. It really was good, but I prefer the book. Yawn! Oh well, night-night. 10:07

Monday, October 22, 2012

Friday, March 22, 1985 (age 13)

Tyler wasn't here today! I am like Oh No! And half my day is gone right there. So the other half (the half that sucks) I'll tell you about.  English - we have to do this 2 page report on this book we're reading. History - that damn term paper - it's due April 10! I haven't even started it yet! Science - we have to do that science project. I didn't start that either and it's due Monday! Oh well, I have to go to sleep. Tomorrow I'm hoping
to start SOMETHING, probably English. G-night! 9:54

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thursday, March 21, 1985 (age 13)

Hoo-boy! Am I ever BAD at volleyball! I like it and I can't play it! (NO SIKE). Oh well, I suppose I'll learn someday.
Hmm, what else happened today? Nothing in school...oh yeah, Girl Scouts. See, we're doing this puppet show so tonight we were making them. I have to make this rabbit. They couldn't find any grey or white socks so now I'm making a pink rabbit. Big SIKE huh?
Oh well that's all that happened except that Dad got home from Boston and he got me these two pair of earrings and some rhinestone bracelets. I'm like SIKE!  9:38

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wednesday, March 20, 1985 (age 13)

The first day of spring! It doesn't feel it though. The temperature - Brr! I changed my room around today as I do every season.
Kelsey is mad at me.  I know it. When I was mad at Nadine (I'm made up with her), she was being so snobby to me and everything was Dahlia this and Dahlia that. When I called her today she ignored me and when I go "Kelz?" She goes "Oh Daphne, DAHLIA is supposed to call on this phone. Do you understand what I'm telling you?" And she had promised to come and help me with my room! But no - she had to go to DAHLIA'S house. And when I reminded her she goes "No Daphne, I DON'T remember." I'm like FINE!  9:16

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tuesday, March 19, 1985 (age 13)

Today catechism was really pretty fun. The people who were there were K.J. (of course), me, Kendra Y, Kerrie T, Tyler, Nolan I and Dominick Nepali. We all sat in the back and talked about prejudices. I'm like SIKE.  Oh Kerrie Tighe was pissing me off. MY GOD with Tyler! Flirt here, Flirt there - jeez man that girl is so desperate! She was coming on to him! Oh yes, another issue there. Nadine, that sweet, little, inconsiderate BITCH. She thinks she's on top of the world. She got this new rank to use on me. It's about boyfriends. Something like "Who have you gone out with in your LIFE?" Bitch. 9:14

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Monday, March 18, 1985 (age 13)

This morning we had an hour cancellation of school! Yeah!
Everyone's so mad at Dahlia and its like I'm her only friend. Ya know? It's really gross. On the bus - everyone's talking and having a real ass-slapping good time and she just sits in the corner and listens to her music.
God, I am so tired! My tonsillitis is acting up again. My medicine isn't strong enough.
SO oh-oh-oh! In History - I threw Tyler a piece of gum and he turned around, and it went down the back of his shirt. While he was looking for it, I guess it must have fallen further because he goes "Daphne, it fell down my pants - better get it." Some people! SIKE! 8:27

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sunday, March 17, 1985 (age 13)

This morning from 12:01 to 10:00 was the most uncomfortable sleep. See, when I slept over Nadine's, Bumpus slept on the bed with me. Coz went and took up half the bed! Then after I left there, we went to church, but no TYLER (!????). Then I went to the park and then to Kelsey's. I tried to jump out of her window, but I scared myself shitless and wouldn't jump (I was just HANGING there!). Then I left and went to the Drake's house until 7. Then at 8:30 me, Nadine, and Neil played Simon Says (SIKE!) until 8:40 and now its 8:55! SIKE!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Saturday, March 16, 1985 (age 13)

Today was such a bore! Becky was at this birthday party, so I went with Lacey to her babysitting job until 11:30am. Then I came back and waited for Becky. Then for the next four hours life wouldn't be any more exciting than a can of blue paint.  For the next 2 hours, Kelsey and Nadine came over. Then after dinner I went to Nadine's house. Me and Kelsey stayed there until 8, then Kelsey had to go home. Then I slept over Nadine's. Ugh! Nadine had me stay up until midnight and I can't say any more because from now on, it's tomorrow!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Friday, March 15, 1985 (age 13)

Did I ever tell of the "Great Worries" that I have? If not, here they are. 1) Wendy Hickey. 2) Lacey Gardner. They are a worry but because of one subject - Tyler Sherman. Why are they worrisome? I'm worried that Tyler may like #1 subject or #2 subject.
Never mind my worries though, what about today? Well, today we had a concert at the elementary school (am I siked or what?). And in Science we had a test. After school I went over to Kelsey's and then after dinner went for a walk with Lacey (remember - she's #2 worry). She's mad at me because she is a "Great Worry". Too bad Miss Gardner!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thursday, March 14, 1985 (age 13)

Today, Tyler was so nice to me! Well, except for the breath freshener. He kept spraying that stuff on me so I finally smelled like a spearmint leaf! But, he kept holding my hand. Then he took my bandanna to see if for a minute. Then Dan came over and took it. He put it on his head and we dared him to wear it like that in Band. He did! It was so funny!
I hope Tyler likes me, I mean it has been 6 1/2 months of trying and now he's called me twice, is acting like a brother, and is holding my hand! Not a big jump for 6 1/2 months but then again, I'm a slow mover. 9:36

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wednesday, March 13, 1985 (age 13)

Today was very interesting. Tyler wasn't in Health, so in 2nd period I kept telling myself to stay in a good mood and that he had probably just went to sectionals. But by 4th period and the absent list said "Sherman, Tyler" in its big blue letters I got discouraged. In 6th period however, when I saw him there I thought I was dreaming. Then, in 7th period, Tim embarrassed me by saying "You better tell Daphne where you were all day, Tyler, she was getting upset by your absence." I'm like Oh My God! Oh well, tah-tah for now! 9:21

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tuesday, March 12, 1985 (age 13)

Today my alarm went off, so I got up and took a shower. Then I made my bed and got dressed. I put my makeup on and curled my hair. Then I waited for the bus. When I got to school I went to gym where I played volleyball. Then on to French, History and English. After English came Band and then Lunch. Then came Algebra and finally Science. After Science I went outside and went home on the bus. At 4pm I went around the block with Nadine and then I had dinner. Then I went to catechism and then back home. I changed into my pajamas and here I am now writing here. Well, bye! 8:27

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Monday, March 11, 1985 (age 13)

Today Tyler and I got called down to Mr. Evans's office. He was harder than I thought. I was going to explain my half of the story but I have never been in a conversation with him and he scared the shit out of me. He said he was calling my parents to "explain" it to them. We aren't in trouble, and after Dad and I and Mr. Evans had our little talk, Dad really doesn't care. I'm like SIKE! Well, I'm going to SLEEP now so GOOD-NIGHT. I will see ya'll tomorrow. 9:45

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sunday, March 10, 1985 (age 13)

Today was Mom's birthday, but boy, was she being a bitch! Like this morning - we all went for a ride and every place we went Mom would go "No, I DON'T want to go THERE!" I'm like Fuck You Mom. Later, me and Lacey went to the center of town. BORING. Then after dinner (dinner, wow), Lacey and Nadine came over. Nadine went home because Lacey wrote on her shirt and then me and Lacey went for a walk. Then we came back and now I'm listening to Madonna's Material Girl. And when I'm done writing in here I'm going to bed. Nite-Nite! 9:20

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Saturday, March 9, 1985 (age 13)

I still have my tonsillitis, but I feel much better today. Kelsey came over, and Lacey too for about 5 minutes before Kelsey. Today was really boring because Mom wouldn't let me do anything. When Kelsey was over, we were pranking these people and (I'm telling you this because this was the most exciting thing that happened today) when they answered we would ask for someone. If they said "No, wrong number" we would say "Oh, OK. Could you tell her to call me later?" Some people were actually like "OK. We will". It was so funny! 11:03

Monday, October 8, 2012

Friday, March 8, 1985 (age 13)

Ick! I have tonsillitis! Oh well, no school for me today. Kelsey didn't go to school either cuz she has strep throat. But oh my god guess what! Tyler called me FOR REAL this time! No, Nadine didn't con him. I was talking to her and then I got the beep that another call was waiting. So I go "Hello" and this guys voice goes "Hello? Is Daphne there?" I'm like who the HELL is this so I say "Yes, this is her". "Oh hi this is Tyler". I'm like OH SHIT! So we were just talking and I found out that he didn't go to school either (migraines) and all this happy horse-shit about Mr. Evans. And before he said good bye he asked me if I was going to school on Monday and that he hoped I felt better. SIKE! 8:31

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thursday, March 7, 1985 (age 13)

I don't think I'm going to get to sleep quickly tonight. Today in gym Tyler said Mr. Evans (ed. note: the school principal) found out. In History he said that Mr. Evans and Mrs. Culver were giving him about 4 detentions and that I was "off the hook".  I felt pretty bad that he was taking the blame, so I went to see Mr.  Evans. He said that he was going to speak to both of us tomorrow. In English Tyler said we may have to have a parent conference. That means no Bermuda if we do!! Help, I'm SO worried...will I ever get to go to Bermuda? 9:25

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wednesday, March 6, 1985 (age 13)

Oh my god! I thought I was dead meat today in Science. See, Tyler took my three weather maps and ripped off the top part with my name on it. Then he handed it in. Mrs. Culver called Tyler up to see whose handwriting it REALLY was. I was up there too and when she asked, I confessed. So, she sent us down to Mr. Givens . Mr. Givens didn't know what the big deal was, so he sent us back. Mrs. Culver sent us back down a second time and Mr. Givens sent us back AGAIN saying that he'd have a talk with Mrs. Culver. I hope we don't get in trouble because we only gave Mr. Givens ONE of the weather maps. 9:37

Friday, October 5, 2012

Tuesday, March 5, 1985 (age 13)

Today the power went off at like 4 in the morning and school was an hour late. Which is FINE with me! Anyway we had co-ed gym which was quite embarrassing. Then I missed French due to a sectional. In Science, Tyler was being SO gross! He goes "Will you help me with my project? I need help. See, we need a mattress, and a zoom camera. Will you do it Daphne? You can't back down once you've said yes - come on Daphne." I was in hysterics, but I managed to say "Sure Tyler. Yeah. Bet." Which made me laugh harder and almost get a disciplinary sheet. P.S. I'm fucking sick of catechism! Ick! 9:35

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Monday, March 4, 1985 (age 13)

Well, I made up with Nadine. She just wouldn't stop nagging me! In English, I said to Tyler "Nadine thought you were trying to come on to her in the car." And his eyes opened wide and he goes "WHAT?" So in a way, my fun lasted a little longer. Then I asked him why him and Victor were so dead at the dance. He said he couldn't dance. See? Very simple, and Lacey and Nadine were getting mad! That is absolutely no reason! Oh well, then I went to Lacey's after I went to lame-assed clarinet lessons.
I have to ask Tyler out! There's no way around it. I'm going to and NOONE will know. Not Dahlia, Kelsey, Lacey or Nadine. Not this time. Just a little more time and you'll see. I will! SIKE! 9:57

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sunday, March 3, 1985 (age 13)

Oh my GOD! Nadine likes Tyler! She was telling me how unfair it was because *I* didn't like the fact that she liked him. I'm like FUCK OFF. She knows how much I like him! Last night in the car, she started playing with Tyler's hair, so he reached over and gripped her head. I was in my wits end, trying to get him (them) to stop. When they wouldn't, well, now I am not talking to Nadine. I really cannot believe this. Oh help, what if he goes out with her? What if he likes her as much as she likes him? Oh my god, help!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Saturday, March 2, 1985 (age 13)

Well, today really sucked. We went to the next town over and I got a Daryl Hall & John Oates poster, new shoes for the dance and a can of Coke. Then we went home. What I wore to the dance was: my pink shirt, my grey shirt, my pink and grey vest, my grey jeans and my new pink and grey sneakers. The dance? Well, it started out OK, Tyler wasn't really having a good time though. When the first slow dance came on, I was hoping he would ask me. The second one I went to ask him, but he just ran off with Victor and Neil. The rest was just so horrid I won't write it in here.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Friday, March 1, 1985 (age 13)

Well today wasn't all that snappy. Health - test. French - reviewed some homework that I didn't do. History - talked about some court cases. English - handed back a composition, B+. Band - played "Prelude and Fugue", SIKE. Lunch - ate. Algebra - had test. Science - saw a movie on latitude and longitude. When I got home me and Kelsey called Dan and Becky was trying to rank (and I emphasize TRY).
Lacey says she doesn't know if Tyler can go to the dance tomorrow. Something about no ride or something. Then me and Lacey went to the library. Ah, nothing obviously. Well, its 10:04 and I am going now, bye! SIKE!