Monday, October 8, 2012

Friday, March 8, 1985 (age 13)

Ick! I have tonsillitis! Oh well, no school for me today. Kelsey didn't go to school either cuz she has strep throat. But oh my god guess what! Tyler called me FOR REAL this time! No, Nadine didn't con him. I was talking to her and then I got the beep that another call was waiting. So I go "Hello" and this guys voice goes "Hello? Is Daphne there?" I'm like who the HELL is this so I say "Yes, this is her". "Oh hi this is Tyler". I'm like OH SHIT! So we were just talking and I found out that he didn't go to school either (migraines) and all this happy horse-shit about Mr. Evans. And before he said good bye he asked me if I was going to school on Monday and that he hoped I felt better. SIKE! 8:31

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