Sunday, February 24, 2013

Friday, July 19, 1985 (age 13)

Today was an OK day. First, Becky, me and Mom went to CVS, where she bought me a box perm. Then,
we went to the library, where I got myself 3 books. Then, after I had lunch, Lacey, Nadine and me went to
the center of town. While we were there, we saw Wendy. I got a magazine, 2 cards, and Becky's birthday
present. Then, we went home. After dinner Nadine and me went AGAIN. This time I got a bottle of Sun-In.
Busy day! (P.S. Michael J. Fox is so fine - I have such a crush - it's a shame he's ten years older than me!)

Sun-in. The most evil product ever to hit the shelves. Every girl's plan in the 1980's was to look like the model in the ad. However, Sun-In was a nightmare on it's own, never mind after you added it to permed hair. As a brunette, my hair looked less "sun-kissed" and more like bright orange cotton candy. It's a wonder I still have hair! 

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