Monday, July 23, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 1984 (age 13)

Christmas Day! Oh I’m so siked! I’ll tell you what I got! An Esprit shirt, a purple flannel blouse with a lavender turtleneck to match, a fluorescent green sweater, a fluorescent pink sweatshirt, A BOOM BOX, a red and black sweater, a bathrobe and slippers, earrings, the game UNO, a Pretty Pony (joke), a Hall & Oates tape (H20), a fluorescent yellow belt, a fluorescent pink bandanna, fluorescent green socks, tape rack, mug, jewelry box, colored pencils, markers, pins, a dollar, little metal boxes, a nightgown, perfume AND a chocolate Santa - whew!
Almost identical to the boom box I received, except I want to say mine was made by Sony.

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