Friday, July 13, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 1984 (age 13)

Today I went to the center of town with Kelsey. I got K.J. his Christmas gift (ed.note - the catechism teacher) - a silver chain, I got Kelsey’s present - two books, and a card for Dad. Mom bought me “Amityville Horror - The Final Chapter” and I just got done with it. Wasn’t all that good - but it wasn’t bad either. Damn, it’s cold in here. Well, I’m going to snuggle in my electric blanket and…oh yes. We (me and Kelsey) also went can collecting and Method of Modern Love (Daryl Hall and John Oates!) is on now. Well, gots to be trottin’! Love, Me

"Amityville - The Final Chapter", published in 1984

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