Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 1984 (age 13)

Today you could say was pretty OK. Except in band practice Tyler went up to Sabrina and said hi. So Sabrina goes and says “Daphne still likes you a lot.” So he goes “Yeah, I like her as a friend and all that, but I don’t think I’ll ever ask her out.” Then he says “If she gets me a very expensive present - I’ll think about it.” So Sabrina goes “Like what?” which led to “A walkman, how ‘bout? Yeah, one that’s got a radio AND a tape.” (Which costs about 60 or 70 bucks). And I am NOT about to spend all that on anyone!  (SIKE)

Yes, this Sony Walkman with a cassette tape player and AM/FM radio (the red was easily the most desirable color) went for about $69.99 back in 1984

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