Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thursday, February 28, 1985 (age 13)

Today I tried on my dance outfit. I have one problem though, I don't have any shoes to match! I'm like oh no! And I COULD get a new pair of earrings too. Then, when we went to Girl Scouts, we talked about Bermuda. Oh I just can't wait! It will be SO MUCH FUN! Mom says I can't go because of my report card, but she's just a big bullshitter. We also got our candy bars. Dad bought ONE WHOLE BOX (15 bars!). Can you believe it!? 15 dollars in 12 minutes! Oh well, I have to be going now. Lacey called and I have to see if I can get through to her. Bye now! 9:13

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Wednesday, February 27, 1985 (age 13)

Today was so funny! When we got home from school, I found out that I had left my key in the house, so me and Kelsey got the Drake's ladder and we got in (well Kelsey got in) through Becky's open window. It was so funny! And then we (Kelsey and I) went to "Something Special" (ed. note: clothing store) and I got these black Bon Jour pants, a pink and grey plaid vest, a grey shirt and a pink shirt, both to go under the vest. We are going to be so hooked up for that dance! I'm like SIKE! well, its 9:34 and I'm beat, I best be going now so bye!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Tuesday, February 26, 1985 (age 13)

Today was pretty interesting. We are getting very upset with Dahlia. She has changed so much! I don't think she'll last much longer with Martin. She's got this I-Can-See-Him-Whenever-I-Want attitude. I mean, give us a break Dahlia!
Oh-oh-oh guess what! Tyler asked for my phone number! SIKE! I mean a real BIG SIKE! Do you know what this could mean??? I am just SO TOTALLY SIKED OUT! HOW AM I GOING TO GET TO SLEEP WHEN I AM GOING TO SIKE MYSELF INTO AN EARLY GRAVE??? Oh also, LACEY IS INVITING TYLER TO THE DANCE AND THAT'S ANOTHER SIKE. 10:06

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Monday, February 25, 1985 (age 13)

Back to school! Eew! Last nite (when we were at the center) we met up with Mr. Faggotty Ass Hole himself Nolan Iafallo. He threatened that he was going to call up Tyler and tell him that I called him an asshole. He didn't do it though.
I'm starting to like Tyler more and less these days. Some days he can be so mean and act like a real asshole and other days he can be so nice and sweet it's incredible. Oh well, I suppose after almost 6 months of liking the kid, and he doesn't like you, you begin to lose interest slightly. Well, I liked Dexter Driscoll for three years. No wait, that doesn't count.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sunday, February 24, 1985 (age 13)

Oh Mom embarrassed me so bad today in church! I was reading that church book and then Mom goes "Daphne, look who just sat down in front of us." And guess who it was? Tyler of course. And when you had to shake hands with everyone Mom goes "Why dontcha shake hands with TYYYLER, Daphne?"  I'm sitting here like SIKE.
Then Lacey, Nadine and me went to the center of town. Real interesting. Then, when we got home, we went around the block. It was very nice out today also. I think I may open my windows even. Bye. 10:07

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Saturday, February 23, 1985 (age 13)

Today, hmm, let's see. Oh yes. I was over Gardner's house (ed note: Lacey and Nick's last name) until, oh, let's say about 11:00. Then I went home and watched television until Nadine came over at about 3:30. She left at 5 and then Dad and Becky came home. Lacey and Nadine came over at 5:30 but had to leave at 6:30 because of dinner. After dinner I went to their house and from there to Kelsey's (yes, she got home today!) and she gave us our souvenirs. I got a pair of earrings and bright pink fluorescent gloves (no fingers!). Then we went back to Nadine's and had a ball! 11:18

Monday, September 24, 2012

Friday, February 22, 1985 (age 13)

Today I slept over Lacey's house while Becky's friend Ellie slept over here. Martin also slept over Lacey's house and almost until 11:00 we tried to get the Ouija board to work. Nick kept blowing out the candles - Nadine kept laughing, and Lacey kept insisting that this was never going to work. It never worked because everyone kept making so much goddamned noise! But regarding that, today was a massively boring day. 10:01

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Thursday, February 21, 1985 (age 13)

Today Nadine called up and was telling me how she threw up SIX times and it was just SO GROSS. Then Lacey won this dance contest thing and she got to invite 10 of her friends. So she invited me (of course... no sir). Later we went out to dinner and then to G. Fox (ed. note: department store). I wanted a pair of pants there real bad. And can you believe it - we went to Bob's Surplus (ed. note: now called Bob's Stores -!
Oh my god! I don't believe this! SIKE! No sir, well gots to be going, see ya! 10:00

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 20, 1985 (age 13)

Today was REAL boring. For the first half of the day I was just dead. Then Nadine came over. Then I went to her house and we played "Mr. Do" (ed. note:!) until Lacey got tired of it so me & her went for a walk. We came back and played Mr. Do AGAIN. I also got a Seventeen magazine and we (Lacey, Nadine and me) were reading it and others like it.  Well, gots to be going now.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 19, 1985 (age 13)

Today Nadine came over. Then she called Nick to come over so she could have a football pass with him (I didn't want to). So he comes over. Then Neil comes over. We told them that they couldn't come in the house - an exception for Nick because he wanted a drink of water. So while he's getting a drink - Neil comes in and starts to eat everything in sight. We made them leave and after dinner I went babysitting with Nadine - she got paid and I didn't - cheap!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, February 18, 1985 (age 13)

Today it got up to 30 degrees, it's 0 now. Lacey and me went to the park today and Nick found a stray dog to take home. I mean if they don't have enough pets! I don't think they'll keep it though. Lacey also gave me her two 3-page pictures of Hall & Oates! SIKE!
I also had music lessons tonight. I mean, doesn't this guy celebrate holidays?
I miss Tyler SO much! I mean really - if that 19 day thing at Christmas wasn't enough - another torture! Well, gots to go - it's 11:07 now, bye-bye.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sunday, February 17, 1985 (age 13)

Today was SO nice! It's only -1 degree now, but today it was about 59 degrees and felt just like summer. Lacey, Nadine and I were out all day. But when the temperature started dropping and we went out - brr! Then Dahlia and me went to see "Beverly Hills Cop". That movie was the funniest movie I have ever seen! (with Eddie Murphy - hey, what can I say?) Even Dad liked it! OH SHIT - look at the time! It's 12:02 - bye-bye people, it's a little late don't you think?

Beverly Hills Cop, 1984, starring Eddie Murphy

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Saturday, February 16, 1985 (age 13)

Today was cool. My first day to get out into the world! (I was grounded for a week, remember? Or didn't I tell you? Doesn't matter, I just did now).
Lacey, Nadine and me all went to the center of town. I bought Mom her birthday present (already!) and made her open it. It was this crystal jar with little candies in it. I also got some blush. When we went to the drugstore, there was this eye-shadow - it was so fresh! It was this powder (like baby powder) and you just stick your finger in it and apply. Next time we go I want to get some - SIKE! 9:50

Monday, September 17, 2012

Friday, February 15, 1985 (age 13)

Last day of school for a week! Kelsey went to England at around 2:30 or 3:00. I gave her my lock to "protect" her on her trip there and back - it should bring luck...did for me! Well sorta.
Got my report card too. I got an A-, a couple of B's and some C's. Lacey got TWO D's!! Awful!
I got a Cabbage Patch Kid - her name is Abby DeLorna, but I changed it to Jessica Anne Sherman - nice huh? Ohmygosh! Lookit the time! 11:35! Best be chillin' out chilly! Bye!

Mine sort of looked like this. I remember I selected the doll because it had a sweatsuit on and not the typical dresses they usually came with. Still, it is an ugly thing, isn't it? How these were so popular once I will never know. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thursday, February 14, 1985 (age 13)

OK! Today is Valentine's Day and who do I have as a Valentine? Ha Ha! You guessed it! Zippo! NO one - ya'll. In SCIENCE though (yes again, Science!) Tyler kept writing these notes to me - they're hidden somewhere in this book! (ed: note - I wish! I would have loved to see those, but alas, not in the book any longer) Since I gave him a Valentine and he didn't - he made me one! (ooooh!)  Well, a piece of composition paper and black ink isn't much, but hey! It's the thought that counts! On one of the notes he put "I <3 Daphne Signed Tyler the 'Best'". He wrote a note to Kelsey and I'm supposed to give it to her  - I haven't read it...NO - why would I do such a thing - I mean REALLY. SIKE.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wednesday, February 13, 1985 (age 13)

Well! Today Kelsey didn't come to school because she was sick. In Science I had so much fun! Mrs. Culver was being such a bitch and me and Tyler were ranking the shit out of her. One example was - Mrs. Culver uses finger-paints to put on her makeup. Tyler made sound effects after each rank - if he wasn't laughing that is. There was one point where I was reading something and I had a funny feeling someone was watching me. Looking up - it was Tyler. His eyes are the bluest, most gorgeous things I've ever seen!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 12, 1985 (age 13)

No school today! It's Lincoln's birthday - no catechism either.
Today was a real bore. I got up at 9:00 and spent until 12 watching television. Then I took my shower, ate lunch, did my homework, talked for a bit with Lacey, had a "Valentine's" dinner where we got a card and a box of chocolates - my diet - shattered! Then went and watched TV until now - 9:53 and I am about to die now - a real shitty day huh? Bye-ye.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Monday, February 11, 1985 (age 13)

Today was OK. We had a History test - ugh! In English though, Tyler goes "Do you still skate?" and I said "Yeah, why?". He says "Well, where were you last night?" I say I didn't go. "Why?" he asks. I say it was too cold. "Cold? It was about 40!" he says.  "No sir - I was grounded - can't go anywhere until Saturday." After that remark he looked pretty down.
In SCIENCE - my god - sometimes you wonder - does Lacey still go out with Eddie? Because she certainly is having her jollies with Tyler. That girl must LIKE getting me jealous - because she's doing a fucking good job at it...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunday, February 10, 1985 (age 13)

Oh no! Four days until "Doomsday". Help! I am never going to get through that day in one piece.
TODAY what happened was - we were washing the car, and if I washed a place that had already been washed but looked dirty - Mom would boom out "I already washed that place goddammit! Wash those whitewalls and I want to see them WHITE! And if they're not - you're going to do them AGAIN!" So after 45 minutes of that, she made me wash the windows, and when I wiped the outside to get the water off - man, shit just went off the hook!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Saturday, February 9, 1985 (age 13)

Today - well, how can I put this? It was "interesting" as I might say. Nadine came over and she and Becky started ranking on each other, OK? So I was just sitting there laughing because the ranks were so dumb - and they were just kidding around. So Mom grounded me for a week because while they were ranking I didn't defend Becky and that was SO inconsiderate not to even stick up for my ONLY SISTER. Then she goes into this bullshit on how Nadine never says hi to her and that she was such a maid to everyone - it's like gimme a break!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Friday, February 8, 1985 (age 13)

Hello and welcome to the wide, wide world of being a bitch. Today we will show you our contestants and how they qualify. Contestant Number 1: Mrs. Culver.  Mrs. Culver is a school teacher with a knack for lowering an entire classes grade by 3 points without reason. For Example: Daphne S had a 72 but Mrs. Culver lowered it 3 points to a 69.  Next contestant, Number 2: Marion Stevenson. Marion Stevenson is a mother who loves to be a bitch. Ask Mrs. Stevenson a question such as "Just for 5 minutes can I go next door to see Nick and Neil's new bedroom set?" The reply? "NO". Who will win? Tune in next time to Bitch Mania!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thursday, February 7, 1985 (age 13)

Well another Thursday has come and gone. Today we didn't have band practice - we went to see "The Grapevine" (ed. note: school play). Real dumb. Ivy Cubero kept giving Danielle Xavier (or was it TYLER?) these looks and smiles while she was up on stage.
I don't think I'm going to Bermuda. My birth certificate is in Pennsylvania and that's what we need to get into Bermuda! Oh no! I will DIE if I don't get to go! Oh well...Oh no! LOOKIT the TIME!  10:06! Gots to GO baby.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 6, 1985 (age 13)

Today - ugh! Gimme a break! Everything went along with the regular schedule - but after I had showered and dressed Dad comes in and says "NO school today!"  Oh was I PISSED - I could have 3 more hours of sleep! Shimmy - that ALSO meant another day in June and no Tyler! (NO SIKE). Later - Kelsey came over and at about 6 or 7 Lacey, Nadine and I all went for a walk around the block - ouch my hands hurt - gotta sign off for now!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 5, 1985 (age 13)

Today Tyler went home early (boo-hoo) and I only saw him for a period and a half - terrible! He wasn't in catechism either - but when I was there me and Kelsey wrote this note and I told her I'd be spending this Valentine's alone. She's like yah yah - so what?
Well hey I gots to go and read that note over - see if I understand it any better the second time - bye bye!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Monday, February 4, 1985 (age 13)

Well! Today was certainly an interesting day. I have no more fun in Science - now that Tyler moved to Lacey's table - SHE'S the one who's been having her jollies! I am SO serious - fuck it man - don't she have Eddie? What's she want - every boy on her? Geez I mean if one AIN'T ENOUGH. Daaaammn.
We also got this water pic - I put it on so hard - my mouth is still vibrating from the shock (SERIOUS!)
10 days from now is Valentine's Day (just thought you'd like to know)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sunday, February 3, 1985 (age 13)

Today was OK. First - after I got home from Lacey's house (after I SLEPT OVER) I helped Lacey shovel her driveway and she helped me shovel mine. We also saw D.C. Cab - it was so funny! Then we went skating - but I had to go home early because my fucking pants ripped.  I started reading "Different Seasons" by Stephen King - oh it's so good! I just finished the first story. Oh-oh look at the time! It's 9:56 already! I gots to go to bed! Bye!
D.C. Cab, starring Mr. T, released 1983

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Saturday, February 2, 1985 (age 13)

Today I went to the STORE (SIKE) and what did I get? Daphne got eyeshadow, a Valentine's Day card, AND mousse. And if the day isn't exciting to you yet - here's the big thriller - I slept over Lacey's house. Oh My God - I'm dying over here. I am SO SIKED. Yes, diary fans - I actually SLEPT OVER Lacey's house. (oh my GOD). And when I got there I actually slept in her ROOM (ee-gad!) and I actually went to SLEEP! (shit man, I'm getting so so so siked) (this is what happens to Daphne on Groundhogs Day)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Friday, February 1, 1985 (age 13)

Today was a real bummer. Guess what! Tyler got this butch cut! He looks so cute! I love it! I couldn't believe it was him when I saw him in Health today - from the back he looked just like Norman Marquis! (ick). In English he gave me a good wallop with a book - he threw it across the room and it "just happened" to hit me. So I picked the book up and threw it at him - it missed but at that exact time Mr. Givens came in! I could have died! The Vice Principal! I didn't get in trouble - but oh was I embarrassed!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thursday, January 31, 1985 (age 13)

Today was pretty cool - even though nothing really happened. 1st period - Gym (with Ms. Limmer? Lemme tell you how boring THAT is!) 2nd period - French. We saw this really retarded movie. I didn't watch it - I read my book. 3rd period - History - Mr. Toole - he's SO funny! He's my favorite teacher! 4th period - English - Mrs. Cesta made us read this poem - ICK! 5th period - Band practice. subject please 6th period - Algebra - something about inequalities - something ELSE boring - 7th period - Mrs.Culver? Well, we won't even go INTO that - bye.