Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Saturday, February 23, 1985 (age 13)

Today, hmm, let's see. Oh yes. I was over Gardner's house (ed note: Lacey and Nick's last name) until, oh, let's say about 11:00. Then I went home and watched television until Nadine came over at about 3:30. She left at 5 and then Dad and Becky came home. Lacey and Nadine came over at 5:30 but had to leave at 6:30 because of dinner. After dinner I went to their house and from there to Kelsey's (yes, she got home today!) and she gave us our souvenirs. I got a pair of earrings and bright pink fluorescent gloves (no fingers!). Then we went back to Nadine's and had a ball! 11:18

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