Friday, January 18, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 1985 (age 13)

Some more finals! Today was History and English. I must have gotten a D on my History and a C on my English. Tomorrow is Algebra - I have to get at least a B on it. I better! I need it really bad!
Saw Sam today. He got a haircut - he looks SO fine! Oh my god does he ever! But he likes Callie. When Dan told him that I like him, he also told him that Callie did too. And OF COURSE he picked Callie. If I were him I'd pick Callie too. They're not going out - yet.
Well, enough of my silly antics. I have to study really hard tomorrow for 5th period if I want a good grade on Algebra. Oh well, gots to go! 9:35

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