Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 1985 (age 13)

Today was half blast and half disaster. I'll start with the disaster. Dan decided to tell Sam that I like him - his way. Now Sam hates my guts. When I try to talk to him, he turns around and ignores me.
Now we will do blast - (oh wait, one more disaster, at the amusement park today I went on The Rotor and it drops the floor out from under you - so when the ride stopped I fell and twisted my ankle). Today's blast was - we went to the amusement park! I had so much fun! I got a blue flower and can you believe it? Keith Dacosta won a stuffed unicorn on the FIRST try! (dime toss). 9:43
I thought I saw somewhere that this ride had been banned from amusement parks, either way I haven't seen The Rotor in a long time. For those that aren't familiar, here is an old pic of what the interior looked like.

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