Sunday, June 10, 2012

Monday, November 12, 1984 (age 13)

Well isn’t this just fucking great? I was letting Frisco out for a bit - to go to the bathroom, play, run around, etc. when all of a sudden who should come around but - yup you guessed it - Bumpus (ed. note: Nadine and Lacey’s dog). He scares the fucking shit out of Frisc - who naturally shoots up a tree. But of course it just had to be the biggest and hardest tree in the woods! He’s still stuck up there too! I swear - I will personally PUT Bumpus in the pound after what he did. Neil tried to get Frisco down - but then Nadine goes and lets Goofy out again so Frisc goes higher in the tree. Just wonderful, huh!

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