Monday, June 18, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 1984 (age 13)

OK another Science story. We had these glasses of water, these sedimentary rocks, and eyedroppers. (It was some kind of experiment). Well anyway, Tyler filled one of the eyedroppers full of water and soaked the back of my neck and sweater. So I swore I’d get him back. Later, Tyler was shooting little pieces of rock all around the room. The last one he shot hit me right in the mouth. Shit man, that sucker hurt! Anyway, then Mrs. Culver said something and we both picked up an eyedropper. Tyler squirted water on my hand and then I thought:  “Hell, he’s getting it now!” And got him on his arm! Mrs. Culver said something about brilliance, but it was, wasn’t it?

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