Monday, September 17, 2012

Friday, February 15, 1985 (age 13)

Last day of school for a week! Kelsey went to England at around 2:30 or 3:00. I gave her my lock to "protect" her on her trip there and back - it should bring luck...did for me! Well sorta.
Got my report card too. I got an A-, a couple of B's and some C's. Lacey got TWO D's!! Awful!
I got a Cabbage Patch Kid - her name is Abby DeLorna, but I changed it to Jessica Anne Sherman - nice huh? Ohmygosh! Lookit the time! 11:35! Best be chillin' out chilly! Bye!

Mine sort of looked like this. I remember I selected the doll because it had a sweatsuit on and not the typical dresses they usually came with. Still, it is an ugly thing, isn't it? How these were so popular once I will never know. 

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