Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thursday, February 14, 1985 (age 13)

OK! Today is Valentine's Day and who do I have as a Valentine? Ha Ha! You guessed it! Zippo! NO one - ya'll. In SCIENCE though (yes again, Science!) Tyler kept writing these notes to me - they're hidden somewhere in this book! (ed: note - I wish! I would have loved to see those, but alas, not in the book any longer) Since I gave him a Valentine and he didn't - he made me one! (ooooh!)  Well, a piece of composition paper and black ink isn't much, but hey! It's the thought that counts! On one of the notes he put "I <3 Daphne Signed Tyler the 'Best'". He wrote a note to Kelsey and I'm supposed to give it to her  - I haven't read it...NO - why would I do such a thing - I mean REALLY. SIKE.

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