Thursday, October 18, 2012

Monday, March 18, 1985 (age 13)

This morning we had an hour cancellation of school! Yeah!
Everyone's so mad at Dahlia and its like I'm her only friend. Ya know? It's really gross. On the bus - everyone's talking and having a real ass-slapping good time and she just sits in the corner and listens to her music.
God, I am so tired! My tonsillitis is acting up again. My medicine isn't strong enough.
SO oh-oh-oh! In History - I threw Tyler a piece of gum and he turned around, and it went down the back of his shirt. While he was looking for it, I guess it must have fallen further because he goes "Daphne, it fell down my pants - better get it." Some people! SIKE! 8:27

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