Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wednesday, March 27, 1985 (age 13)

I didn't go to school today. Doc says I have a severe case of strep throat. Dad says I can't go to school until Friday. Kelsey was over after school for about an hour. Then she left for 2 hours and at about 5 she came back. But with Keith Dacosta! Then we went outside and he left to go play some basketball with Cameron Yancik. I went inside for a minute, and when I came back out I saw Nick and Kelsey kissing! So I asked her if her and Nick were going back out. She said no they were just good friends. I personally think that's sick but what would I know?
Ugh I can't stop this insane COUGHING. I am going to have a massive FIT if I don't stop. 10:14

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