Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wednesday, March 20, 1985 (age 13)

The first day of spring! It doesn't feel it though. The temperature - Brr! I changed my room around today as I do every season.
Kelsey is mad at me.  I know it. When I was mad at Nadine (I'm made up with her), she was being so snobby to me and everything was Dahlia this and Dahlia that. When I called her today she ignored me and when I go "Kelz?" She goes "Oh Daphne, DAHLIA is supposed to call on this phone. Do you understand what I'm telling you?" And she had promised to come and help me with my room! But no - she had to go to DAHLIA'S house. And when I reminded her she goes "No Daphne, I DON'T remember." I'm like FINE!  9:16

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