Sunday, December 2, 2012

Saturday, April 27, 1985 (age 13)

Today we went to the MENC concert (ed. note - I have no idea what that stands for). I thought we did pretty good. Tyler was there, but usually, at concerts, he at least says "hi" but today I was invisible I guess! Or could it have been that everyone was so dead - getting up at 6:30am on a Saturday! Ick! ANYWAY - when I got home, I went to Kelsey's and helped her finally change her room around (its been the same way for about 4 years). Then, while she went to church, I mowed our lawn. Then Lacey and Nadine came over for a little while, and I dressed up like Madonna and when Kelsey came over later, she did too. Then we went for a walk, and then I came home and here I am! 9:31

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