Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saturday, May 11, 1985 (age 13)

Today (even though it was a Saturday) it was soooo wonderful! First off, we went shopping and I got my bike tire fixed. Then I got Mom (for Mother's Day) some flowers, and for me I got an Ogilvie Home Perm, Stridex and Suntan Oil. While Dad was getting Mom a card in the drugstore, I saw Sam there - he actually said hi to me! And when we were leaving - he waved bye! Oh my god I could have fainted. Then later on, Lacey, Nadine and me went to this play "The Wiz" and guess who was there! Sam of course! Dad doesn't like him though - too bad for him! Help me before I take a massive spaz - 10:31

Ahh, the home perm. This is not me, but is an example of what every perm ended up looking like, whether you wanted it to or not.

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