Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friday, April 5, 1985 (age 13)

What a day! What a day! My anger has ceased. Well to a minimum of 9.9 from the maximum of 99.9 (because of Diary Entry April 4, 1985). But! She is going to get her just desserts! Nadine said it was her mother's fault but STILL.
I missed Tyler in church! Kelsey said he looked so good (piss, Piss, PISS). When I slept over Nadine's tonight Kelsey came over! Vaughn was sleeping over too so Kelsey was taking a walk with him for the longest time! Coz went and stepped on me too! The thing was - we couldn't wake Nadine! We tried EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) from slamming the door to turning on the light. Nothing worked! Oh well, too bad Nadine you missed out again...12:00

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