Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, April 8, 1985 (age 13)

Today was massively, horribly, repulsively terrible! Tyler wasn't here in school! Oh well, please be at school tomorrow Ty! 4 days without seeing ya is pure torture! Also, what made this day so massive was that when Kelsey was over, Nick came over and they sorta, well, you know, fooled around. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, he just wouldn't leave! Everytime he said hi to me I would just look up and look away (hint, hint, Nick!). But he didn't get the message until Dad came home. Then you should have seen him go!
The Drake's are getting rid of Bumpus! This is the best part of the day! SIKE! SIKE! SIKE! SIKE! SIKE! I'm like massive SIKE! Bet! Whoopee! Yeah! 9:29

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