Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tuesday, April 9, 1985 (age 13)

I found out that Tyler wasn't in school yesterday because he went to Father Neadle's funeral. But it was nice to see him again. In English, he said that while he was at the funeral, the new priest came up to him and said "Are you going to follow after Father Neadle when you grow up?" So Tyler goes "Yeah, well we all have to die at sometime or another." and the priest goes "No, no I mean do you want to become a priest." And Tyler's like Oh-oh! Sure, yeah, whatever you say. Then I went to the orthodontist's and then to the store. I got a new hat (for Bermuda), a new raincoat, and a white shirt for the concert tomorrow. Busy day! I also packed for Bermuda. Lots of stuff! 9:50

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