Monday, May 7, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 1984 (age 13)

Today, Tyler was nice to me again. In band we marched down Middle Road and there were kids out for gym! I was so embarrassed, thinking, what if Nick or Kevin were out there?  Wow, if I am going on like this now, think of it in the parade!
Then today Nick and Kelsey had a fight, Nick got Kelsey to crying, and every time that happens I’M always there! Talk about the wrong place at the wrong time. There was nothing I could do naturally. But I was thinking…I may not be the Cover Girl in school but I care for anybody’s feelings more than anyone I know! I feel kind of flattered when everyone says I’m so damn nice and that I have such a good personality. No, I am not vain or conceited, but those are my best qualities, yessiree!
(P.S. Now what I want most is for Tyler to read this, haha!)

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