Monday, May 14, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 1984 (age 13)

Guess what! I’ll tell you this!  In 3rd period, Tyler goes “let me see your pin”. In 4th he ran into me and goes “oh my, my, I’m SO sorry.”  It’s like sure, sure. But it was 7th that really got me. He was doing something to Lacey and when I asked her she goes “Well, he did it to ME I just can’t imagine WHY he didn’t do it to you.” Ooooh that gets me SO jealous it isn’t even funny!
So I’m jealous of Lacey. Ha ha. I should be laughing but I’m in tears at the moment. Lacey says they’re just friends but I’ve heard all that before. Oh Lacey how COULD YOU?

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