Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, April 1, 1985 (age 13)

April Fools Day! I swear some CORNY jokes were pulled today! For example someone stuck a sign on Mr. Toole's back saying "Sorry class, I was born this way." (Boo! Boo! That's SO dry!) Then in Band someone took Mr. Neuman's podium, music and baton. When he finally got them back he said "Play Prelude and Fugue", we played "Slaughter!" Mr. Neuman looked as if he were ready to cry. Oh-oh-oh! Tyler got a butch! Seriously! I swear, if he cut it any shorter it would be shaved. It looks so cool though! Nothing else except that there is only 9 days left until Bermuda! SIKE! SIKE! 9:47

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