Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday, April 4, 1985 (age 13)

I am pissed to HELL right now. Do you know what Dahlia just did? It was so low, so rude and so insulting that I committed suicide today. Yes, but it didn't work. Dahlia invited Kelsey, Nadine and Lacey to sleep over. But does she ask me? Oh of course not. I might remind everyone that this is National Hate Daphne Week. Oh yes! She upsetted me so bad I downed 13 appetite suppressant pills and that can be very dangerous as the box says. Now my ears are ringing and my head is throbbing like a motherfucker. Good going Dahlia! Maybe someday you'll hurt my feelings so bad that I WILL kill myself some day. Read this and WEEP when that day comes! Hope you feel good about yourself now BITCH! 9:59

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