Friday, November 30, 2012

Thursday, April 25, 1985 (age 13)

TODAY! WELL NOW WE HAVE SOME VERY EXCITING THINGS THAT HAPPENED TODAY! HERE WE GO! 1) uh, well, uh, well exactly what is number one? well, uh, we could say that - nah that's not exciting. oh yeah, bet! I got it! I GOT MY REPORT CARD TODAY!!! (boo! Not exciting at all! Boo! Boo!) oh well how about - I GOT A C ON MY HISTORY TEST! (boo! that's even worse! boo! boo! boo!) uh, um, gee, well howzabout: TYLER WAS SO NICE TO BRING ME A BAND-AID WHEN MY BLISTER POPPED!! (ugh! how awful! Those are so dry! Ick!) I got it! LACEY IS DOING HER BEST AT GETTING ME JEALOUS ABOUT TYLER! (yeah! but now - you don't have any more room to tell us about it! Boo!) oh well (sigh) 9:28

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