Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, April 23, 1985 (age 13)

Today hoo-boy! Sabrina brought in these pills, right, and said that if I REALLY wanted to kill myself to take them (there were 9). So I had them and Maeve pick-pocketed them and gave them to Kelsey. Then Kelsey trashed 8 and gave me one. I was extremely upset as you can imagine because Tyler was saying that I wouldn't take them either. Later, when I was at catechism, Mrs. Costner (ed. note, the Girl Scout troop leader) called saying to Dad "How could Daphne kill herself?" When I got back, I had to call her and so I made up this excuse how I had dreamed it and it got around the whole school that I really tried. Nice and swift for 9 seconds, huh? 9:57

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