Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday, April 2, 1985 (age 13)

Today was so rush-rush! Terrible I tell you, especially since I was wearing 2-inch heels! It was regularly boring, except that instead of going to catechism tonight, we went to Girl Scouts. We had to pack food, get the "need" list, etc. I can't believe it! Only *8* days until Bermuda! A week and a day! Well, that happened and then I broke a birthday (or was it Christmas?) present from Dahlia. Yup, she got me this little glass horse, and when I was arranging my shelf, it fell off and snapped both of its front feet. One was snapped twice! I can fix it though, no prob. Right? Oh my God! I didn't know it was this late! Night, man, this time schedule is fucked! 10:26

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