Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sunday, March 31, 1985 (age 13)

Today! Well, um...uh...well what DID happen today? I got up...ate breakfast...went to church - oh yes! Church! Guess who *I* saw in church today! That's RIGHT! TYLER! I could have sworn he kept looking at me! See, I busted out Mom and Becky today. See, they said "I'll bet you can't go up there, get holy communion, and come back without blushing." They didn't think I could do it! But I did! And because I busted them out they keep saying I did even though I didn't. (See, Tyler was holding the little plate they keep under you in case you drop your communion). But I BUSTED THEM OUT. BUST, BUST, BUST!
Uh, well, 'night! 9:56

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